Reiki Energy Healing
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a gentle, peaceful form of energy healing. The word Reiki is comprised of two Japanese words. “Rei” meaning Universal and “Ki” meaning life force energy. It helps bring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. Everything is made of energy including all of us. We function at our best when our energy is in balance and flow. Through our human experiences we can go through times of stress or trauma. These things can cause our energy systems to get out of whack and cause blockages in the energy body. Reiki can help restore your body’s energy to its natural state of harmony and remove any blockages getting in the way. Reiki energy is very intelligent and goes to where it’s needed to help you heal for your highest good. Some benefits of reiki include:
increased energy
releasing of stuck, repressed emotions
brings in relaxation, calmness
help ease pain & tension in the body
helps assist your body in healing illnesses
helps heal a variety of mental issues (anxiety, depression, grief)
can improve quality of sleep
can help process and heal past traumas
can strengthen immune system
can heighten one’s intuition
Distance Reiki Session
Reiki can transcend space and time making it easily accessible to anyone regardless of your location. A typical distance reiki session with me will look like you getting in a comfortable position and getting relaxed and ready to receive the energy healing. You do not have to do anything, the healing energy will do what it needs to do regardless. Putting on soothing music is a nice way to relax if you wish. I will sit in meditation and then begin to send you reiki. I may use crystals to help the session as well. I end the session with you by pulling an oracle/ tarot card and giving you any notes that stood out during the session. The notes include an intuitive reading of your chakras and anything significant that came up in those energy centers.
Distance Sessions can be done via text, email, or zoom call.
Distance Reiki sessions are available in 15 minute, 30 minute, and 1 hour sessions.
15 minute session = $20
30 minute session = $35
1 hour session = $65
In-Person Reiki Session
With an in-person Reiki session, you will lie down on your back on a massage table while I lightly place my hands on or hovering above specific energy centers (chakras) on your body. I call in and work with my guides and angels to provide you with whatever healing you may need. The session is often accompanied by relaxing music, crystals, and essential oils. I may bring in other healing tools when needed as well (ex. tuning forks, sage, etc.). I also have a grounding mat on the table for you to lie on. You may feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a deep sense of calm during the session. Some people experience visuals or the release of stored emotions. After the session, people tend to feel very relaxed and usually a bit sleepy. I recommend to rest as much as possible after your reiki session and drink a lot of water. Try to take it easy, if you can, the next day as well. The energy healing process can still be happening a little while after the session. Think of it as an energetic cleanse!
In Person Sessions are located in Shaler, PA
In-Person Reiki sessions are available in 30 minute and 1 hour sessions.
30 minute session = $40
1 hour session = $70